
Day 1: The Journey Towards God's Purpose


Luke 9:51; Philippians 3:10


Read Luke 9:51:
Discuss what it means for Jesus to "set His face" toward Jerusalem.
Why was this journey significant for Him and for us?
Reflect on Philippians 3:10:
How does knowing Christ and sharing in His sufferings relate to our own journey of faith?
Family Sharing:
Share a time when you had to make a difficult decision to follow what you believed was God's will.
How did you feel, and what was the outcome?


Begin Working on a Family Vision Board:
Use a poster board or other things of choice to create a vision board of goals and dreams that align with God's purpose for your family.
Include scriptures, pictures, and words that inspire you to follow God's path.


Family Prayer Time:
Pray together, asking God for the strength and courage to follow His will, even when the path is difficult.
Ask for guidance in setting your face toward His purpose.

Day 2: Experiencing God's Glory

Revelation and Transformation

Luke 9:28-36; Romans 12:1-2


Read Luke 9:28-36:
Discuss the transfiguration and what it reveals about Jesus' divine nature.
How did this event encourage Jesus and His disciples?
Reflect on Romans 12:1-2:
What does it mean to be transformed by the renewal of your mind?
How can we experience this transformation in our daily lives?
Family Sharing:
Share moments when you have felt God's presence or seen His glory.
How did these experiences impact your faith?


Nature Walk and Reflection:
Take a family walk in nature, observing the beauty of creation.
Discuss how nature reflects God's glory and how we can see Him in everyday life.
Encourage each family member to share what they see and feel.


Reflective Prayer:
Spend time in quiet reflection, thanking God for His presence and asking Him to transform your hearts and minds.
Pray for a deeper understanding of His glory and how it can change your life.

Day 3: Listening and Responding to Jesus


Luke 9:35; 2 Corinthians 3:18


Read Luke 9:35:
Discuss the importance of listening to Jesus. How can we hear His voice in our daily lives?
Reflect on 2 Corinthians 3:18:
How are we being transformed into the image of Christ?
What does this transformation look like in practical terms?
Family Sharing:
Talk about ways you can listen to Jesus as a family.
How can you support each other in obeying His teachings?


Family Bible Study:
Choose a Bible story or passage to read together.
Discuss what Jesus is teaching through it and how you can apply it to your lives.
Encourage each family member to share their thoughts and insights.


Commitment Prayer:
As a family, commit to listening to Jesus and following His teachings.
Pray for guidance and strength to live out His words in your daily lives.
Ask for the Holy Spirit's help in transforming you into His likeness.