Serve Teams

Serve Teams

Provide opportunities to use gifts God has given you To glorify him

We Believe God Has Designed Every Person As A Masterpiece With Unique Skills And Abilities (Ephesians 2:10). These Are Given By God For The Purpose Of Glorifying Him (Matthew 5:16). When This Happens, There Is Great Joy And Fulfillment That Brings Excitement To Life (Colossians 3:23-24). Ultimately, The Holy Spirit Empowers Every Believer Through Their Spiritual Gifts To Make A Difference For The Kingdom Of God Through His Church (I Peter 4:10-11).

Ways to Serve

Worship + Creative Team
We desire to create worship environments where people experience, hear from, and respond to Jesus.

Team Role
Lead our church through the means of music, video, and design.
Lead and serve people while authentically representing Jesus.

Team Responsibilities
Your Heart Matters. Your heart is important. You cannot lead others in an environment filled with God's presence and help people hear from God and respond, if your heart is far from Him.
Be Spirit Initiated. You are constantly listening to the Spirit as you lead. As the Lord speaks or leads, you are obedient to it. We go where He wants us to go.
Be a Worshipper. There is nothing worse than a worship leader or member that will do everything but actually worship. Not just play and sing, but to worship and give God our affection as He is worthy of it all.
Monday through Saturday are just as Important. If you do not live a worshipful, Spirit-initiated life the rest of the week, Sunday is going to be tough. We are not perfect, but these things need to be true of us during the week, not just Sunday.

Team Commitments
Wednesdays. Band rehearsal from 6:30-8:00PM.
Sundays. Soundcheck beginning at 7:30AM.
Kids Team
We partner with parents in developing children who understand the nature of God, their relationship to Him, and their purpose in His big story.

Team Role
Set an example for our elementary and preschool kids through both word and deed.
Teach our young children Bible stories and truths about God.

Team Responsibilities
Lead Sunday School. Each month our children's ministry studies who they are in the Lord, using prepared curriculum, discussion, activities, and large group. As a leader, you will help facilitate this small group time.
Partner with Parents. Get to know the families of the kids in your group and work together to make sure the lessons we learn are not left at church but impact kids' everyday lives.
Prepare in Prayer. Pray for God's heart for kids before you serve them each week. Ask for His help to demonstrate His love to them.
Keep it Safe. We want to create environments that are physically and emotionally safe for kids to experience the presence of Christ.
Handle Distractions and Disturbances. Be alert to any unusual behavior or activity (during the morning or at home) and immediately notify a pastor if anything arises.

Team Commitments
Sunday. We ask that you arrive at least 15 minutes prior to the service you are serving.
Events. Commit to helping with major events throughout the year.
Students Team
We desire to help raise a generation of difference makers in the Kingdom of God that love Jesus, love His church, and live His mission

Team Role
Actively invest in the lives of 6th-12th grade students on a regular basis, including Wednesday nights and Sunday mornings.
Intentionally build relationships with the parents of the students in your small group.

Team Responsibilities
Participate on Wednesday Nights. This is our primary means of connecting with students on a weekly basis, and you will help lead a small group of students.
Prepare in Prayer. Pray for God's heart for students before you serve each week. Ask for His help to demonstrate His love to them.
Keep it Safe. Teenagers can be insecure and vulnerable. We want to create environments that are physically and emotionally safe for them to experience the presence of Christ, be equipped for life and ministry, and engage a world in need.
Handle Distractions and Disturbances. Be alert to any unusual behavior or activity (during the evening or in the home) and immediately notify a pastor if anything arises.

Team Commitments
Wednesdays. Weekly worship from 6:30-8:00PM
Events. Commit to helping with major events throughout the year.
Host Team
We desire to show the love of Jesus by creating a warm, family atmosphere in our building while directing people to our worship gathering focused on experiencing the presence of Jesus.

Team Role
Actively engage everyone who enters our doors on a Sunday morning and look for an opportunity to share a word of encouragement with them.
Authentically represent Jesus as you partner with the body of Christ to interact with those in the church as well as those who do not know Jesus.

Team Responsibilities
Be on Time. Consistently arrive at your station 15-20 minutes before the beginning of the worship gathering.
Prepare in Prayer. Pray for God's heart for people before you serve each week. Ask for His help to demonstrate His love to everyone.
Stay Engaged. Always be attentive to people who are looking for community or visitors who don't know where to go. Look for ways to connect and introduce people to our church family.
Serve with Heart and Commitment. We want to give you an opportunity to use the gifts God has given you for His glory in a way that is an overflow of love and life-giving for you. 

Team Commitments
Sundays. Serve 15 minutes before and after the worship gathering you are serving.
Hospitality Team
We desire to show the love of Jesus by creating a warm, family atmosphere through every event that we host while helping people connect at The Summit.

Team Role
Actively work to create a welcoming atmosphere with every event that we host as a church.
Authentically represent Jesus as you partner with the body of Christ to interact with those in the church as well as those who do not know Jesus.

Team Responsibilities
Know the Events Happening in our Church. Stay engaged to know when upcoming events are taking place that the hospitality team is needed to serve.
Create a Welcoming Atmosphere. Work together as a team to exercise the gift of hospitality for each major event at The Summit.
Prepare in Prayer. Pray for God's heart for people before you serve each week. Ask for His help to demonstrate His love to everyone. 
Serve with Heart and Commitment. We want to give you an opportunity to use the gifts God has given you for His glory in a way that is an overflow of love and life-giving for you.

Team Commitments
Events. Collaborate as a team to serve for events hosted by the church where decor, food, and supplies are needed.
Local Engage Team
We desire to engage our world in need by making a difference in our local community with the gospel of Jesus.

Team Role
Actively engage people in our community to share the hope of the gospel of Jesus.
Encourage other people at The Summit to join you in engaging our local community and inviting them to church.
Authentically represent Jesus as you partner with the body of Christ to engage people around us.

Team Responsibilities
Be Mission-Minded. Look for opportunities to engage people in the community wherever you go, understanding that we live in a rapidly growing area with deep need for the gospel.
Prepare in Prayer. Pray for God's heart for people you interact with in the community. Ask for His help to demonstrate His love and be a light to everyone.
Engage the Community. Look for opportunities to serve felt needs in Northwest Arkansas. Work with other team members to schedule church-wide outreach events. 
Encourage Others to Join on Mission. Continually be a proponent for engaging our community. 

Team Commitments
Regular Meetings. Collaborate with other team members to meet to talk through ministry partnerships in our area and set up outreach events.

Interested in joining a Serve team?

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Kids Camp 2025 Volunteers

fill out the form below to let us know how you want to serve!