Meet Our Elders
at The Summit

Kyle Fowler

Brad Bradshaw

John Simmons

Jack Woods

Alex Font
Meet our Staff
at The Summit
"I was born and raised in the great state of Texas. My family loved the Lord and I grew up around the things of God. For a long time my faith was something that you just did, and not something that you lived. When I was 18, I experienced a fresh wind of God in my life, and from that moment everything changed. Through the Word of God, the Lord confronted me of my sin, and desperate need for Him. Months later I was reading in Jeremiah 20:9 that reads "But if I say, "I will not mention his word or speak anymore in his name," his word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones. I am weary of holding it in; indeed, I cannot." At that moment the Lord told me there was nothing else I would be able to do with my life other than to preach His word. So from that moment on I have pursued this call on my life."
Kyle previously served as Student Pastor at The Summit Church Little Rock and The Summit's Student Collective Leader for 7 years.
Kyle met his beautiful wife Andrea serving together in a local church, and were married in 2011. They have three amazing kids, who fill their house with chaos and laughter.
Kyle's Prayer for our church family: "That we would be a people where the presence of God is pleased to dwell. Where people are known and loved. A place that would raise up children who are difference makers in the kingdom of God, and that worship the Lord in spirit and truth."
Kyle previously served as Student Pastor at The Summit Church Little Rock and The Summit's Student Collective Leader for 7 years.
Kyle met his beautiful wife Andrea serving together in a local church, and were married in 2011. They have three amazing kids, who fill their house with chaos and laughter.
Kyle's Prayer for our church family: "That we would be a people where the presence of God is pleased to dwell. Where people are known and loved. A place that would raise up children who are difference makers in the kingdom of God, and that worship the Lord in spirit and truth."
"I was born and raised in Little Rock, Arkansas in a family that loved the Lord. My parents were a part of The Summit Church planting team in 1998, and I was one of the original charter members. Growing up in the church helped me develop a knowledge of God and the Bible from a young age, but everything changed in high school. I developed a deeper passion and love for the Lord. He called me to surrender my life to ministry, and directed my heart with my life verse in II Timothy 4:2,5 "Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; correct, rebuke, and encourage with great patience and teaching ... exercise self-control in everything, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry." It is my goal for life to continually fulfill the ministry that God has laid before me."
Ryan previously served on staff at The Summit Church Saline County and as Pastoral Fellow at The Fellowship Kansas City.
Ryan and his wife Noelle have been together since high school. They married in 2019 and have one daughter.
Ryan's prayer for our church family: "To be a church who worships with joy and gladness. A church who loves God and loves those around us. A church who studies and applies the Bible across all generations - reaching and equipping the next generation. A church who is determined to see God move across Northwest Arkansas."
Ryan previously served on staff at The Summit Church Saline County and as Pastoral Fellow at The Fellowship Kansas City.
Ryan and his wife Noelle have been together since high school. They married in 2019 and have one daughter.
Ryan's prayer for our church family: "To be a church who worships with joy and gladness. A church who loves God and loves those around us. A church who studies and applies the Bible across all generations - reaching and equipping the next generation. A church who is determined to see God move across Northwest Arkansas."
"The Summit has been a home to me since I was born. I grew up at The Summit Little Rock, my family and I were catalysts at Summit Conway and now I get to hold a position at Summit Bentonville. Each year and at each church, I have seen the Lord do so many incredible things. He uses this church to build faith, character, love, and leadership. Over the years, I have deepened my faith so much just by sitting down with children and talking about the Bible since they ask the questions we are often too afraid to ask. I hope to continue to grow my faith and to build up curiosity, biblical understanding, and leadership skills in the next generation."
Eden previously served on the Summit Church Little Rock staff as a Youth Intern, Kids Camp Intern, and Children's Ministry Intern.
In addition to serving at The Summit Church, Eden works at Heroes Coffee in Bentonville.
Eden's prayer for our church family: "That we will be a church that invests in the family and the next generation. That raises up students who love the Lord and love all His children, lost and saved. I pray that we are a light to this community. That we bring joy and peace to a broken world. That we apply biblical practices in all areas of our life and that we hold unwaveringly to the truth that the Lord has a good plan for our city and world and that He holds true to His promises."
Eden previously served on the Summit Church Little Rock staff as a Youth Intern, Kids Camp Intern, and Children's Ministry Intern.
In addition to serving at The Summit Church, Eden works at Heroes Coffee in Bentonville.
Eden's prayer for our church family: "That we will be a church that invests in the family and the next generation. That raises up students who love the Lord and love all His children, lost and saved. I pray that we are a light to this community. That we bring joy and peace to a broken world. That we apply biblical practices in all areas of our life and that we hold unwaveringly to the truth that the Lord has a good plan for our city and world and that He holds true to His promises."