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What to Expect

on a Sunday morning


We believe our worship reveals what we value most. When we gather together as a church, we worship by praising God for who He is and what He is doing. Our aim is to create worship environments where people experience, hear from, and respond to Jesus.


We desire to equip people for life and ministry through the truth of God's Word. When we gather together as a church, we study His Word and seek to apply it to our lives because it is relevant to all situations in life.

Kids Ministry

We strive to reach the next generation with the Gospel of Jesus on Sunday mornings. During each service, our Kids Ministry Team leads our kids in worship, lessons, crafts, and games that teach them the Bible and point them to Jesus.

Fall 2024 - Spring 2025

Sunday Morning Emphasis

This year we are diving into what it looks like to be a fully devoted follower of Jesus. Each of our sermon series will bring light to The Jesus Way. This is a way that bring life and joy, but one that requires sacrifice and surrender as we draw closer to the presence of God.

current sermon series

The Final Journey

We are currently walking through a series entitled: The Final Journey. In this series we are walking through the life of Jesus to see how He always lived with purpose, from the crowds to calvary. He lived to save us: on the cross and through the resurrection.
Join us on Sunday mornings for one of worship gatherings at 9:00 + 10:30 as we walk through this series.

map + directions

The summit Church

2427 S 26th Street
Rogers AR 72758